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Training for
helping professionals

on topics related to psychological health and well-being

Online Learning with Amanda Rocheleau

You can't pour from
an empty cup...

compassion fatigue educator Amanda Rocheleau

Amanda Rocheleau has been featured as a speaker and trainer for over 700 professional and conference groups. Using an experiential based delivery approach, Amanda draws upon stories, imagery and relatable examples to teach about concepts pertaining to the psychological health of helping professionals. She brings a comforting level of authenticity and humour to her presentations while teaching self-enhancing tools and strategies that can improve collective and individual well-being. 

What is a helping professional?

People who are in roles that are about supporting the physical, psychological, intellectual, emotional, or spiritual well-being of others. Helpers may have different job titles, work in different industries and some may not even get paid for the support they provide, but they are all a part of making better communities and caring for others.

Social Work

Frontline Work


Public Health

Long Term Care 

Child Welfare 

Correctional Services

Advocacy Support

Community Services

Guidance Counselling

Public Service Agents


Developmental Support

Nursing & Healthcare



Trauma Specialists

Veterinary Services

Crisis Support

Personal Support Workers


Leadership Teams

Union Representatives

First Responders

Addiction Counsellors

Law and Legal Aid

Early Childhood Education

Occupational Therapy


Health and Safety


Grief Support



Engaging in-person workshops, keynote speeches and presentations

Online Learning

Engaging online live workshops with interactive components with option to record and stream later

On-Demand Courses

Self-paced online learning experiences that include videos, worksheets and discussion boards

Training Formats
Training Topics

Training Topics

Compassion Fatigue

Practices for Replenishing
our Compassionate Energy

Burnout   to Balance

Strategies for Completing

the Stress Cycle

The Mindful                            
            way to Self-Care

Daily Self-Care Practices
Busy Helpers

Protecting our
Psychological Health

Strategies for Mitigating Psychological Risks and Injuries

Debriefing                                        as a Helping Professional 

Strategies for Communicating Effectively About Our Work

Managing Secondary  
            Traumatic Stress    

Recognizing and Regulating the Trauma Exposure Response

Becoming a 
Vicarious Trauma Informed Organization 

Creating Commitments to Proactively Address the Impact of Vicarious Trauma with Staff

Reducing Burnout :
A Team Approach

Group Practices for
Reducing the Risk of Burnout

Reducing Burnout :
A Leadership Approach

Leadership Strategies for Reducing the Risk of Burnout
(for staff and themselves)

These are all potential topics that can be explored briefly or in depth depending on the length of the training and what other topics you wish to have covered. All workshops and trainings can be customized to the needs and interests of the participants. 

Upcoming Events

Some Recent Clients

alzheimers society
Immigration and Refugee Board Of Canada
The Ottawa Hospital Logo
Ministry of National Defence
food banks canada

What People Say

Thanks card (Postcard) (Presentation (169)) (1)
Thanks card (Postcard) (Presentation (169))
Thanks card (Postcard) (Presentation (169)) (2)
Thanks card (Postcard) (Presentation (169)) (3)
Thanks card (Postcard) (Presentation (169)) (4)
Thanks card (Postcard) (Presentation (169)) (5)
Online Courses

On-Demand Courses

On-demand courses are self-paced learning experiences that feature pre-recorded video lessons, worksheets, reflection questions and downloadable resources. Participants will be given access to the online course after purchase where they can work through the material at their own pace. Participants can track their progress and replay lessons any time. Some courses include group discussion boards to make the learning experience even more engaging.


Individuals can enroll to a course anytime. 


If you would like to enroll a group of people at once, please contact Amanda to request a group rate.

Debriefing   as a Helping Professional 

Strategies for Communicating Effectively About Our Work

Management Strategies 

for Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace

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